

Timothy Whitehead



7 Kunene, Bien Donne Rd

Pinelands 7405

Cape Town, South Africa



+27 (0)72 505 2045





Frank Taylor

Google Earth Blog


Anthony Norse


PME Consulting Group (Pty) Ltd


Mariam Nacerodien

Financial Director

PME Consulting Group (Pty) Ltd

Timothy Whitehead
Full Stack Developer

Skills and Expertize

  • JavaScript
  • Nodejs
  • HTML / CSS
  • PHP
  • .NET (C# and Visual Basic)
  • Java (J2EE)
  • Non-relational Databases:
  • Relational-Databases (SQL):
  • Microsoft Access
  • C++ (various flavours)
  • C
  • Assembly language

The above are just the main languages and technologies I have worked with in relation to software development. I have some experience with other languages and technologies and extensive experience with a variety of applications. I am a quick learner and will learn any language or framework as required for the job.


Work Experience

2016 - 2018

Online Freelancing

JavaScript Developer

Various programming projects via Upwork and

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Largest Projects with over a year of development each:

Digital Postal Address System based in India (NodeJS, MongoDB, Google Maps API and JavaScript)

Cloud based Virtual Tour Creation &Management Platform VR Cloud (JavaScript and PHP)

2014 - 2017

Google Earth Blog

Technical Writer

Writting for Google Earth Blog a Google Earth fansite with thousands of daily readers.

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Programing related experience:

Created a JavaScript API for working with KML files.

Created a number of JavaScript based utilities for manipulating KML files.

Used JavaScript inside Google Earth placemarks to create imagery animations of Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery .

2005 - 2015 / RedWing Aerobatx / PME  Consulting

Java Developer

Developed a number of large applications for use with chartered aircraft, aircrft maintenance and facilities management. Products were actively used during the period of opperations.

Technology used: Java, J2EE, JBoss Seam, Redhat OpenShift, IBM Websphere Portal

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Red Wing Aerobatx

Created the public website for Red Wing Aerobatx .

Developed online tools for managing the aircraft, pilots, online store, customers etc.

Central Reservations System - Chartered Aircraft

Developed a complete Central Reservations System for use with chartered aircraft.

Developed a complete online Fixed Base Operator solution for aircraft maintenance.

Virtual FM

Developed an internet portal based Facilities Management System based on the windows based client server Micromain MS2000 Facilities Management Maintenance system.

Developed a client for the windows CE based Pocket PC.


Developed a basic system to enable the printing of pdf files via the internet.

Virtual Aviation Logistics

Developed a basic system accounting system for managing aircraft.

Small Business Accounts

Developed a basic system accounting system for small businesses.

2003 - 2005

PME Consulting - Contracting with Vodacom


Developed a complete configuration audit and verification system for Vodacom.

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Configuration Audit &Verification System

Developed a complete configuration audit and verification system for Vodacom.

This system automatically collects data about both people and computers on the Vodacom Network. The data is obtained from various data sources including Active Directory, SAP, Microsoft Systems Management Server (MS SMS), Enterprise Policy Orchestrator (ePO), hpOpenView Service Desk, Oracle Financials, Switch Data and others. The system, cleans, summarizes and analyses the collected data for inconsistencies and produces both exception reports and summary reports showing the deduced correct data. It also includes a system to assist in keeping the person and computer data in hp Service Desk accurate.

Technologies used include Microsoft SQL Server with extensive use of DTS, the Microsoft .NET framework to build a reporting Website, Microsoft Access to do some of the reporting and analysis and export data.

Change Request Approval Module

Developed a Java Web Application to implement a Change Request Approval mechanism as an enhancement to the functionality available in hp Service Desk. It includes sending both email and SMS to the relevant parties and allowing them to vote either via a JSP webpage or via SMS.

Technologies used include Apache Tomcat, Java Service Pages, XML and the hpOpenView ServiceDesk API and Oracle Database.

2002 - 2003

PME Consulting, Zambia


Software customization and development for PME's facilities management operation in Livingstone Zambia.

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Maintaining and customising Micromain MS2000 Facilities Management System.

MS2000 is an Microsoft Access Client interface with a SQL central database.

Developing Palm clients to interface with the central SQL database.

Developed a Java application to interface between the MS2000 SQL database and PME’s client VODCOMs helpdesk system hpOpenView Service Desk.

Included travelling to various sites in order to analyse the business requirements and develop customisations to the Facilities Management System depending on the unique site requirements.

Developed a utility to send automated nightly reports by email using SMTP.

2001 - 2002

Sun International Zambia

Technician and Desktop Publishing Specialist

Assistant to the IT manager. Providing IT support as well as desktop publishing requirements for the resort and casino.

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Sun International Zambia Falls Resort is a complex consisting of a five star hotel: The Royal Livingstone, a three star hotel: The Zambezi Sun, a banqueting centre and conference halls, and The Falls Casino.

The Resort has a large network covering two Hotels and a Casino including over 25 dedicated servers, 80 user workstations, 15 Micros-Fidelio point of sale terminals and a network of over 400 guest room computers (Guestlink) acting as an enhanced TV system.

Major systems include: Fidelio Front office system, Accpac accounting system, Guestlink TV system, Vingcard room key security system, Kronos Keymaster Security system, Micros–Fidelio Food and Beverage point of sale system, Phillips PABX, Midas Phone reporting system.

Other features include a microwave link to the warehouse and a satellite link to the other hotels in South Africa which is used for network, internet and phone links.

1998 - 2001

Almaw Computer Services


Providing computer services to Livingstone, Zambia.

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Almaw Payroll System

Developed the first Windows based payroll system for the Zambian market – Almaw Payroll System – developed using Borland C++ Builder.

Almaw Payroll System has been sold to and is still in use by a number of businesses in Livingstone including two hotels – the New Fairmount Hotel and Tunya Lodge and several tourist companies and local industries including – Safari Par Excellence, River Club, Bundu Adventures, Active Link, Batoka Sky, Finta and The African Queen. It was also sold to the Tropical Disease and Research Centre in Ndola.

Almaw Computers provided computer services to local businesses including the tourist industry and local internet cafés.

1996 - 1998

Action Computers &Electronic Systems Limited

Branch Manager - Ndola Branch

Established and managed Ndola Branch on behalf of Action Computers

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Company Description

Action Computers &Electronic Systems Limited is one of the Largest computer service companies in Zambia with many major clients such as the World Bank, Barclays Bank, WHO, International Executive Service Corps, the European Union, Professional Insurance Corporation of Zambia, The High Court of Zambia and the Government of the Republic of Zambia


Established a new branch for the company.

Managing and marketing the new branch.

Major projects carried out:

Professional Insurance Corporation of Zambia Limited – Network installation and maintenance – Novell 4.0

Atlas Copco – Network installation and Maintenance – Novel 3.12 and Windows NT 4.0

Colgate-Palmolive - Network extension and Maintenance – Novel 3.12

During the same period did two major projects in Lusaka:

Transfer of a network for Professional Insurance Corporation Zambia (PICZ), Lusaka

Installation of a network for European Union – Windows NT 4.0

1995 - 1996

Action Computers &Electronic Systems Limited

Software Department Manager

Managed Action Computers' software department including installing and configureing networks for major institutions, teaching, software troubleshooting and more.

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Managing the software department of the company

Manage the development of a Case Record System for the High Court of Zambia

Dealing with all software related problems of clients

Installed and maintained networks for clients including:

Lusaka Stock Exchange – Novel Netware 3.12

Lusaka High Court and Supreme Court – Lantastic

Numerous 2 – 5 user networks for airline booking agents - Lantastic

Network troubleshooting for Barclays Bank Zambia Limited

Starting a training school for the company

Employ and train graduates for the training school and software department

Designing courses and manuals for the training school



1990 - 1994

University of Zambia

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics with Computer Science

2014 -

Various online courses for self improvement

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EECS149.1x: Cyber-Physical Systems

University of California, Berkeley

view certificate
AUTONAVx: Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots

Technische Universität München

view certificate
Think101x: The Science of Everyday Thinking

University of Queensland

view certificate
ER22.1x: Justice

Harvard University

view certificate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

7.00x: Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life

view certificate
ANU-ASTRO2x: Exoplanets

Australian National University

view certificate
Ay1001x: The Evolving Universe


view certificate
SW12.1X: China

Harvard University

View certificates: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9